Indian Gambling and the Next Governor of Alabama

Next Governor of Alabama
The speculation of want-to-be Governor include:
Lt. Gov. Kay Ivey, Speaker Mike Hubbard, and Bradley Byrne.
Bradley Byrne is currently making plans to run for Secretary of State, and so is State Rep. John Merrill of Tuscaloosa.
Speculation is that Kay Ivey and Mike Hubbard are waiting for an opening.

High Approval Polls for Robert Bentley.
Recent approval polls showing Governor Bentley at 65%, reflects it is an uphill battle. The sheep feel comfortable with this nice guy Robert Bentley, which frustrates many special interest types. Bradley Byrne is hoping to over come any opposition for Sec. of State with strong name ID and with a lot of money.

He also has a very high negative ID to overcome. With millions of dollars behind him in 2010, at one point he was considered by political observers to be our next governor. But Bradley was not able to gain traction, due to apparent weakness in his first time impression to people, his apparent aura weakness, and way too much liberal baggage that made those in the conservative community feel uncomfortable. But as Secretary of State, he may be able to overcome with time, and once again be a viable candidate for governor. He has been out there on talk radio, made headlines opposing Governor Bentley on the Medicaid Amendment of September 18, etc. Today, odds are that Bradley will be favored leader in the race for Sec of State, and will be a major contender for governor in the future.


Mike Hubbard – Power Grab – Control the state GOP Party.
While Mike Hubbard was State GOP Chairman, literally millions of dollars were controlled and designated by Mike Hubbard, with big bucks and profits going to Hubbard controlled company, Craftmaster Printing. This appears to be a central reason as to why Mike Hubbard is pushing for the election of Matt Fridy as State GOP Chairman. Below article from the Alabama Political Reporter sheds some light.

Alabama Political Reporter:
It is Hubbard’s endorsement that is most troubling to many of the GOP faithful. Former GOP Chairman Hubbard has waged a two-year-long stealth campaign against Armistead since his chosen successor, Jay Love, was overwhelmingly defeated by Armistead in 2010.

Armistead, who has been building the Republican Party in Alabama for around 30 years, has been routinely undermined in the press and on blogs by Hubbard’s attack machine. Hubbard, as Speaker of the Alabama House, is seen by many as the most powerful man in Alabama. He has seen his supremacy challenged by Armistead’s leadership of the ALGOP. Also, the news that a Special Grand Jury is investigating Hubbard’s time as GOP Chairman and other questionable activities surrounding campaign contributions and personal business dealings has cause major upheaval within the party ranks.

GOP insiders believe there has been a battle brewing for the direction of the party. But it is the Hubbard faction that has many in the party worried. While not wholly aligned with Armistead, many are dead set against a return to control by Hubbard and company. Recently, Mike Hubbard told the “Birmingham News” that Fridy is “our best chance of moving the party forward and building upon the impressive and historic gains we made in 2010.”

Meanwhile Hubbard and others have criticized Armistead over losses in the 2012 election cycle—a time that saw the GOP take command of every statewide elected office—has left some bewildered and others vexed.

With it now being common knowledge, that the election of 2010 was mostly funded by Indian Gambling money, hidden by pac to pac transfer, and also funneled by another loop hole, called party to party transfer.

Example, big dollars were funneled from the Utah Republican Party to the Alabama Republican Party. At the end of the day, millions of political dollars appear to have originated from Indian Gambling money.
What is really going on at Goat Hill in Montgomery? It was said by a member to the Ala Legislature, that one of the best written articles about what is currently going is was written in the Alabama Political Reporter.

With a record of electing Republicans at the courthouse and other local jobs for the first time, gives creditability to the current team at GOP State Headquarters and Bill Armistead. Local Republicans in rural counties are grateful to see monetary and staff support for the first time from the State GOP. Many of those who are friends of Governor Bentley have also declared support for Bill Armistead. Months of hard work, building relationships, and electing local Republicans has helped build the GOP with a grassroots efforts.

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