Mitt Romney’s own words on gun control

Romney supports tough Massachesetts gun laws
(2002 C-SPAN2 Gubanatorial debate)
“We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts; I support them,” he said. “I won’t chip away at them; I believe they protect us and provide for our safety.”

Romney signs permanent ban on Semi-Automatics
(Gov. Romney’s news release, 7/1/2004)
“In a move that will help keep the streets and neighborhoods of Massachesetts safe, Governor Mitt Romney today signed into law a permanent assault weapons ban…”

Romney using Sarah Brady’s rhetoric
(Gov. Romney’s news release, 7/1/2004)
“These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense,” Romney said. “They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people.”

National Association of Gun Rights

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners

  1. The second amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees every American the right to bear arms. Has any law ever been so ambiguous? What are arms? What does it mean to bear them? At least with the first amendment we know exactly where we stand: Freedom of speech. It couldn’t be any clearer. But, the right to bear arms leaves the second amendment open to different interpretations. We need gun permits to carry a concealed weapon. Do we need knife permits? No. Yet both can, and often do, cause death. We can own a gun, or a rifle, or a sub-machine gun, or a machete, and dozens of other tools to kill, even our own bare hands. So, gun control is a debate in our country that makes no sense unless you broaden the ban or acceptance to include all instruments of death.’,

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